Compulsive: A Novel
by Jack Engelhard
Published under CCB Publishing's literary imprint DayRay Literary Press
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In his usual hard-edged prose, for which he is internationally famous, bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard
(Indecent Proposal) draws us into the mind of a compulsive gambler in a work stunningly brilliant
and original, and seductively readable. Compulsive is a journey through today,
with issues as current as the morning paper, brought to the fore by characters as timeless as the Bible. All this
processed through a mind addicted to gambling as surely
as others are addicted to heroin.
A brisk read by one of
America’s most accomplished authors... not to be missed. Jack Engelhard, the last of the Hemingways, is a writer
without peer and the conscience of us all.
Praise received for Compulsive
“Compulsive is enormously enjoyable, and so easy to get into. That Jack Engelhard is a talented novelist
is self-evident. His story plots are engrossing, his writing is fluid, and his characters are easily recognizable.
They are as flawed and complex as flesh and blood people. And like actual people, they are often confronted by
moral choices. This is where Jack Engelhard becomes an important novelist. By presenting his characters with
moral roadblocks, the author asks us, as readers, to examine our own ethics. That’s rare in today’s literature.
In an age where moral ambiguity has become a staple of fashionable writing, Jack Engelhard pulls us back to remind
us that our lives are a consequence of the ethical decisions we make.”
- Kenneth Slawenski, (Random House) bestselling author of
J.D. Salinger: A Life -
“Compulsive takes you inside the mind of a compulsive gambler. It is not an external narrative or a
journalistic account. It is written as such a person thinks. It jumps from one adventure, one issue, one moral
conflict to another... with no regard for the niceties of full resolution, tied up loose ends, completeness. Through
it all we see the masterful orchestration of action that is pure Engelhard.”
- John W. Cassell, author of Crossroads: 1969
“Jack Engelhard’s new novel, Compulsive, features an articulate gambler/filmmaker who faces one emotional
challenge after another. The dialogue is as real as Hemingway’s, crisp and to the point. Engelhard’s writing here
has a raucous edginess that is fresh, original and superb in drawing us into the mind of a compulsive gambler. As
with his earlier novels, especially the blockbuster Indecent Proposal, the central figure’s moral dilemmas in
Compulsive are the stuff we should all care about. The suspense is riveting. Engelhard, as always, masters
economy of style. The novel ends with the hint of more to come--another book! In this one, Engelhard brings it
home, again.”
- Lois Sack, author of Her Brightness in the Darkness
“In Compulsive there are stories interwoven inside stories that keep the reading crisp and compelling until
the end. Like the main character, Gil Gilels, it is easy to become “compulsive” to read more by Jack Engelhard. He is
a master at creating moral dilemmas that make the reader think long after you finish reading the story.”
- Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., Counselor and author of
ManReaders: A Woman’s Guide to Dysfunctional Men
About the Author
Contemporaries have hailed novelist Jack Engelhard as “the last Hemingway” and of being “a writer without peer
and the conscience of us all.” The New York Times commended the economy of his prose... “precise, almost
clinical language.” His bestselling novel Indecent Proposal made him internationally famous as the foremost
chronicler of moral dilemmas and of topics dealing with temptation. Works that followed won him an even greater
following, such as Escape From Mount Moriah, his book of memoirs that won awards for writing and for film.
Engelhard writes a weekly column for the Washington Times.
Click here to visit Jack Engelhard's web site
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